It's Time to Strengthen Workers' Rights

In the recent General Election, a majority of all TDs signed our Respect at Work pledge:
“I pledge to support legislation which promotes collective bargaining, protects workplace representatives and ensures the right to access a trade union at work.”
This landmark achievement represents a new political consensus on the need for stronger workers’ rights in Ireland.
The Government has reflected this sentiment by committing to an Action Plan for Collective Bargaining in its Programme for Government.
In 2025, we intend to hold them to this commitment.
What Is Union Busting?
Dr. Gareth Murphy, co-author of our recent report on union busting in Ireland (link), explains its findings on Today FM’s The Last Word with Matt Cooper.
Union Busting: A Worker's Story
Tom is a delivery worker who was sacked for organising a union. His story should not be possible in Ireland in 2024
How Union Busting Works
In another case study of union busting, a worker in a large multinational explains the “playbook” employers use to target people who try to organise a workplace.
President Higgins Supports Workers' Rights
In June, President Michael D. Higgins called for a new law to transpose the EU Directive on Minimum Wages and said collective bargaining was “a right denied to too many workers.”
Respect at Work on the RTÉ News
Campaign spokesperson Ethel Buckley tells the RTÉ 9 o’clock news how workers have been sacked for exercising their constitutional right to be in a union.
The European Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages
MEP Dennis Radtke explains the European Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages and how it requires states like Ireland to take action to improve collective bargaining.